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Our Policy
Our Policy
The management shall take the reasonable steps within its power to
meet its responsibilities and shall pay particular attention to:
- Avoid loss of lives, injury to person or loss / damage to properties.
- Employ a risk assessed plan, correct equipment & a system of work that is safe & suitable for the purpose intended.
- Ensure safe arrangement for the handling, transportation & storage of the equipment & material
- Install safety awareness and safe work practice in all employees and contractors.
The management and staff of WDG group are committed in providing quality marine support services to our customers. WDG employees will ensure that quality comes first by continuously increasing knowledge about our customers, business partners, products, services and processes.
Quality Objectives
We shall achieve our quality through the following objective
- To meet all customers requirement and work specifications at all times.
- To ensure efficient administrative work flow at all times.
West Dynamic Global is committed to quality management and is proudly certified as an ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System registered company. West Dynamic Gloabl provides its customers with service of the highest quality. In order to achieve this, we are continually improving processes, products and services, meeting and exceeding customer satisfaction at all times.
The implementation of our quality policy is the responsibility of all employees, with overall responsibility residing with the Managing Director.